While it's still 90+ degrees in MI (and has been for like 4 weeks now, ugh!) my mind still starts dreaming of Autumn when August comes. I know Autumn doesn't officially start until late September, but it's my favorite time of year, BY FAR, so I can't help but think of it whenever possible.
Living in Texas was hard for Hubby and I because we are so used to having four seasons and in Houston, well, there's barely two seasons there, and fall is neither of those. So this year, we're very excited for fall!
Things I love about Autumn:
- the clothes. ohhhhh the clothes! The warm colors, the scarves, the boots, the coats, the hats, the gloves, skirts with tights or long leggings, etc........

- pumpkins. need I say more?
- the food: caramel apples, nutmeg, cinnamon, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin butter, hot chocolate, baked pumpkin seeds, and OMFG apple cider!
- The decor: the changing leaves, hay, corn stalks, scarecrows, cornucopias, carved pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns, halloween themed anything
- Check out this cool wreath tutorial too: http://www.ohmyhandmade.com/2010/contributors/tutorial-autumn-yarn-wreath-diy-halloween-wreath/

- Fun stuff to do: haunted houses, hay rides, taking back roads to anywhere just to look at the leaves changing colors, clear nights looking at the stars while curled up in a blanket with your love because it's kinda chilly out, going to the apple orchard to pick apples instead of Meijer!
- Halloween: do I need to explain this one? costumes, candy, and Penny's first real time out trick-or-treating!?!?!?!
- My daughter's first birthday, October 7, 2011!
- My 27th birthday
- Thanksgiving
- Stimulated senses: blushed cheeks from the chill in the air, the smell of campfires and burning leaves, the crunch of leaves under your boots, being able to run around and jump in piles of leaves, hanging on tight to your kiddos while on hay rides, the first bite of pumpkin pie with whipped cream, the first crunch of a caramel apple inside your mouth, going on evening walks and breathing cool air into your lungs.
Autumn is so romantic to me, it's when Hubby and I started dating and consequently fell in love. It's when our beautiful daughter was brought into the world.
I seriously love fall so much.
Tell me friends,
What do you love about fall?