I cannot express how much I love my new job. Working at a bookstore is like, the epitome of what I should've been doing for years. Maybe I won't even be a teacher, maybe I'll just make my way up into the company and make lots of bookselling money. The manager actually makes pretty fantastic money. hmm....
One of the best parts of this job is that while I get a killer discount on books, if I want to, I can check as many books as I want out (like a library!) without paying for them, to see if I like them before paying for them! It's awesome!!!
I know it's been awhile since I've updated, but I've been so busy working. This week my mom sent me some leaves from MI. I put them in my seasonal picture frame. It's one of the only things I brought from my parents' house, and it's a set of 4 pics, one from each season, from the same place in my parents' backyard. Check it out:

I miss fall...