This time last year, I was working for a great bookstore, and was getting ready to ring in the New Year with some of our Texan friends. Little did I know, that soon I would be pregnant with our first child and sick with the flu.
Now, going through the following images to try to find some for each month, I realized that I did a crap job of keeping my photos organized on my computer, so some of these pics kind of suck. So that's resolution numero uno: get better at organizing photos on my computer! Quit being lazy about it! Ok, so here we go!

This was huge. We found out that I was pregnant with what would soon be our little Penelope Mae. It was an emotional time and we were so excited to finally be expecting our little one. I actually took three tests, but for some reason only took a picture of the two. Not really sure why...oh and just in case you were thinking it, yep, I sure did pee on those. Haha

We decided to go to Galveston, TX one day since we were so close to the ocean and hadn't actually gone to see it yet. It was a fun day and it was a pretty enjoyable 65 degree day. We collected a lot of shells on the beach and walked for awhile. We had fun discussing our little one in my belly and taking pictures. Here's Jim forcing a smile for me.
April in Texas is Bluebonnet season. So a coworker took me to an orchard so I could see them. We got there and there were none. Slight disappointment but we ended up seeing a small patch of them on the side of the road on the way home so we stopped and got a few shots. They were pretty.

This month was a big deal because we finally got to have our big ultrasound and found out that we were having a little girl! We were so excited and happy at the news. Just a month before this, we were taking my 15 week photos and we saw a ladybug on Jim's car, and I said, "It's an omen, we're having a girl," and low and behold, I was right!

In June, we got to go to Michigan and visit our families and friends. It was a much needed vacation from TX and we were so glad to be home. This trip solidified for us our love for MI and how much we wanted to raise our family there. This photo is of us in front of the Big Boy restaurant we met at when I was 17.

August was uneventful for us. We did a lot of working and setting up Penny's side of our room. I love this picture because it captured my big super round belly and my motherly feelings. I felt so beautiful and ready to meet my little girl. I chose the crescent moon shape because I thought it looked kind of like my tummy. :-)

October was one of the best months of my life. On October 7th, 2010, we met our baby girl, Penelope Mae! If you want to read the birth story, go here. I love this picture that the nurse captured for us. She got a lot of great shots for us and I can't thank her enough for that. The whole experience was magical. I can't wait to do it all over again! ;-)

November was a huge month for change. We moved back to Michigan from Texas and Hubby moved in with my brother so he could work and I stayed with my parents for 6 weeks until we could afford a new apartment. Lots of change but all SO good! This was taken at Thanksgiving with Jim's family.

December was a great month for us. We finally got to move into our new home and spent the holidays with our families, which was perfect because last year we didn't get to spend it with them. Penelope hit the 12 week mark and I can't believe how big she is already! She's growing so fast and as of this week is 12 lbs. 2 oz. Almost doubling her birth weight! She did have her first ear infection though, of which she's still trying to get better from. I just hate seeing my little girl so congested! Anyways, this is one of my favorite pictures of Penelope so far. She's so lovely, and we just adore her.

Resolutions are funny things, people promising to do things in their lives that they probably won't really do, or at least won't do for long. So my list isn't a bunch of resolutions, it's a bunch of things I hope that I'll get to do this next year, most of which will involve Penny.
- Take Penny to the zoo for the first time. I'm so looking forward to doing this in the summer time. Jim and I love going to the zoo and have gone just about every year since we've been together I think, so I'm so excited to make Penny a part of this tradition!
- Take LOTS AND LOTS of pictures of Penny. I want to record her life as much as I can. I want to be able to look back on these moments in time and see how she's grown and changed. I'd *really* love a new camera though...
- I want to keep up on my reading. Since Penny's been born, I haven't read anything, unless it's online. But no books, no magazines, nothing. This is terrible! I'm hoping that as she gets a little older and sleeps more consistently, that I can plan some time each day to spend diving into a good book! Got any good suggestions for me?
- Clever Characters. Most of you probably know about my little side business, you know, the one where I design and paint kids names onto canvas for a reasonable price? Check it out here if you wanna see what I can do. I'm looking forward to ending my hiatus (I took a few months off after Penny was born because well, newborns keep ya busy) and looking forward to redesigning the website and getting better at what I do.
- Cooking. Since I'm now an official Stay-At-Home-Mama, I want to learn to cook more than pasta and pizza. And I want to learn how to enjoy it. Right now, I'll cook something if it's reasonably easy and doesn't involve all kinds of measuring and temperature changes and whatever else. I want to expand my mind and my abilities, so I'm hoping I can try to learn to enjoy cooking this year. If I can't, oh well, we'll just eat pizza and pasta, and sometimes chicken or something. Haha
***For the record, I couldn't figure out how to fix the sizing on this post, which is why it's all over the damn place. Sorry!***