Ok, here are the updates:
I'm still very pregnant, 31 weeks and 2 days to be exact. October is getting closer and closer every day and it's scary and amazing to think that our baby girl will be here within the next two months or so! We've been doing so much to prepare for her arrival. From washing her tiny clothes to setting up her part of our bedroom and all her little things like her bouncy seat and stroller. Everything's becoming so real now!
Her little kicks and jabs have become sort of painful, but that just means she's a tough cookie, like her mama, so I'm ok with that. She's in the proper position so far (head down, feet up in my ribs) so that's great news. Let's hope she stays that way! From what I hear trying to move your baby into the right position if they're not already is kind of painful, so I don't want to do that. haha.
I'll be updating the Pregnancy Journey photos section today as well, so check that out. If you're on my facebook you can see them there as well.
The Clever Characters business has been going really well all summer. I just wish I could paint faster! I've had about 12 paintings in the last two months to do and I've only finished like, 3 of them. Partly due to the fact that we went to Michigan for about 3 weeks, but also due to the face that the third trimester of this pregnancy hit me like a mack truck and I've been exhausted!
I will finish them though before Penelope arrives. I WILL! I plan on taking a little hiatus from it once I finish the ones I have on my list currently, just so I can relax a bit and work on preparing myself for labor/delivery in early October. Then of course, once Penelope gets here, we'll be very busy taking care of her and giving her all of the love in the world, so painting won't be at the top of my list. I'm not sure how long the haitus will last, but it'll probably be through the holiday season.
Hubby's been working on redesigning the Clever Characters website, which you can see here. No changes have been made yet, but once the new site is up, I'll be sure to let you all know!
Hubby's also been working very hard on his mom's website for her organic skin care business, which you should check out here. She recently changed her name to Common Spirit Organics, so the website will be changing soon as well. Her products are awesome and all of you should check it out and buy some. I personally love the Sweet Pea Belly Butter (for my big ol' preggo belly) and also the A Day for Miracles Eye Cream. It makes your face feel awesome, seriously. Here's her in front of the Ann Arbor People's Food Co-Op, the first store in Michigan to sell her merchandise!

ALSO, Hubby's working on getting his web design company off and running. If you know anyone interested in a website, my Hubby is the man to get ahold of. If you need his contact info, just let me know and I'll get it to you. He's really awesome at it and loves doing it, so get at me if you're interested.
In late June, early July, we went up to Michigan to visit our wonderful families/friends! It was a much needed break from Texas and we feel so lucky and grateful that we got to go up for almost 3 weeks! While we were there, we saw just about all of our friends, spent lots of time with our families, had two baby showers, I got maternity pictures taken, and I did a photo shoot for a Zombie Pinups calendar that should be coming out in October. I was the Pregnant Labor Day Zombie, so Miss September. It was so fun!

It was a really fun shoot, needless to say. :-) Here are some shots from the maternity shoot we did:

Here are more pics from the trip:
Here's a sunset in my hometown, it was sooooo good to be there.

Here's my nephew, Sullivan, being adorable. We were fishing on their dock.

We also watched him for a few hours one afternoon, these are a few of my favorite shots:

Here's my gorgeous goddaughter, Ava, smiling for the camera:

Here's Hubby and I, in front of the restaurant we met at over 7 years ago.

Here's Hubby and I, enjoying being home:

Here are a few shots from the two amazing baby showers our families threw for us:

All in all, our trip was FANTASTIC. I'll try to update soon again!