So last week we had our monthly appointment with the midwife, Janet. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, and Hubby took a video of it. Here's the video! The goofy noise is me laughing and making the doppler go crazy!
We also made the date for our gender anatomy ultrasound, May 19th! I cannot wait to find out what we're having!
Today, Hubby and I went to a park near our house to take my 15 week photo and we saw a ladybug on our car. I think it's a sign that we're having a girl since I want to do her room in a Ladybug theme. So we'll see!!
Here are my 15 week photos:
Me and Hubby

Just me, the forest nymph. haha!

OK OK, enough of that, now it's time for more Things that I Love!
First, this baby pop art is SO awesome.

This baby bib is too cute, and it's gender neutral which is a plus. :)

This headband is beautiful! I love the dark blue/teal flower and how adorable it looks on this little girl!

This hat for a little boy is so darn cute. I know I could probably make it but I also just love this picture, look at his blue eyes!

I really think the whole Mama Bird idea is really beautiful. This necklace is gorgeous and I think once I have a few babies I just might make one like this.

So Mother's Day is coming up. I hate that I won't be in MI to give the women in my life who are momma's the hugs and love they deserve. Also, I'm curious, were any of you preggo during Mother's Day? Should we celebrate it? Should we not? I have no idea...
I hope all is well! Me and baby are doing great and will continue to do so! :-)
All the love I have,
You look adorable! Really glowing! I was pregnant last Mother's Day and we didn't celebrate it, but I know people who have. I just wasn't feeling very motherly yet, and I kind of wanted to wait until the baby was here. Looking back, it probably wouldn't really matter either way, but I'm glad that this is my first Mother's Day. Just my 2 cents... :) Do what works for you!