I've gotten a few painting orders as of late too, which has kept me busy too. I wish I had more time to devote to my painting, I feel like between work, family time, sleeping, painting, and getting in some relaxing time, I'm just totally spent. Why can't there be more hours in the day? And why can't I do better on less sleep? Sleeping is silly, but I love it.
Miss Penelope is doing well. She's got two little teeth popping through, one's already all the way through, the other is causing her all kinds of trouble and pain and this Mama Bear doesn't like it! I hate seeing her in pain, she's so little and can't understand why she's hurting and she just gets this look in her eyes that's like, "why is this happening to me, Mama? It hurts so bad!"
We've been giving her a mesh teether thing with frozen juice in it to help soothe her gums, which she seems to looooooove. See exhibit A below:

But for the most part, she's a very happy almost 9 month old (holy crap, 3 more months and she'll be a year old!) and she's getting to the stage where she's figured out how to throw tantrums and scream about anything and everything. But she's also moving around like it's nobody's business. She's thisclose to walking, she keeps standing and holding onto something, then letting go and slowly bending her knees til she's on the floor again. We seriously need to invest in baby gates. Right now we're using those huge blue storage bins and they are an eyesore and a pain in the ass to get over with a sleeping baby in your arms. But overall, things with Penelope are great, she's really funny and has started dancing to music (I'll post a video soon). She waves and smiles and plays games with you (peek-a-boo mostly) and she has really started amusing herself. She's realized she has these things called HANDS and you can move them around and open and close them and grab things and WOW! It's a whole new world!

Oh! My wonderful grandparents are in town for 10 days visiting from Florida, and yesterday was the first time they met miss Penny. They just adored her and it was so cute to see them with her. Penny has also reached that stage where she doesn't like strangers much, so she cries whenever someone new holds her. Which always baffles me because some people get all offended when babies cry when they hold them, they're like, "aww he/she must not like me at all! waaaaa!" It's like, no, you're a stranger, they're a baby. They don't know you. If some weird person picked you up and made googly eyes at you and weird noises and you couldn't talk yet, you'd probably cry too. Just sayin'.
So today I have a day off of work, I'm trying to decide how much time to dedicate to painting, to family time, and to cleaning. I need to do all three today, as all three are important (one more than others, obviously). So perhaps we'll go to Kensington today and have a picnic (on my 101 things list!) or something. It's a pretty perfect day for it, 78 and sunny! We might also go to the Salvation Army just to peruse around. I have a few crafty ideas I want to get started on, so we'll see if that happens or not...
What are you doing today?