During those first 4-5 months of her life, I was a stay-at-home mom. My husband had a job that allowed us to do this and we were very grateful for that. I will never forget that time I had with her, never. But now that we moved back home (move #3), my husband and I have switched roles. Due to the amazing economy, he lost his job, so we had to move back in with my folks for awhile. It's been really hard for us.
Going from being completely self-sufficient and living on your own for 8 years to living in your parents' basement is hard to swallow. As lucky as we are, and as grateful as we are for being able to move back home for awhile to get back on our feet, it's still tremendously difficult.
Like I said, Hubby and I have switched roles. I'm working now, for just over minimum wage (thanks Bachelor's Degree!) and Hubby's at home with Penelope. He's going back to school in the fall to complete a computer programming and engineering degree so that he can get a great job and we can finally start our lives successfully. We both feel like we've barely been able to keep our head above water for awhile now, and I know how stressful this is on him, as well as me, obviously.
Ok, so the whole reason I wanted to write this post is because I just want to let my Hubby know how happy it makes me to see him with our daughter. To see him become "Daddy" and really let himself be who he is around Penny. I don't know if he even realizes how good of a father he is. The Jim I see when he's around Penny is the Jim I fell in love with, a much different version, but a confident, silly, handsome, smiling, proud version. And I love it.

The Jim I fell in love with was a rebellious punk rocker who smoked cigarettes and drank Jack Daniels on a regular basis. He knew he was sexy. He oozed confidence, that kind of "I don't give a f*!k" attitude that made me swoon. He knew he mesmerized me, or maybe he didn't. I still don't know for sure. He wore dark skinny jeans and black dirty t-shirts and chucks and had hair like Robert Smith. He wore a studded belt with a pentagram belt buckle. He didn't give a shit about what people thought about him. He was SO hot.

The Jim I'm in love with now is much different, but still just as amazing and sexy to me as he was before. He's confident, but in different ways, and about different things. He dresses a bit differently, he's shaved his head (no more Robert Smith hair), he prefers vegan cuisine and doesn't smoke anymore, and barely drinks. He has goals and dreams for us as a family. He's all grown up.

The Jim I'm in love with now is a great Daddy. He loves Penelope with his whole heart, and you can see it in his eyes when he looks at her. When he walks into the room and she smiles and jumps and gets excited, you can see how much it means to him to be loved back by her. He will do ANYTHING to make her smile, make any noise, mimic anyone, sing silly songs that he makes up on the spot. He's very protective of her, and watches her carefully. It's a side of him that I adore. It melts my heart into a gigantic mommy puddle when they're together.

So I just want to say, Hubby, Father of my child, love of my life, that you are amazing. And I am very proud of the father you've become and how much it means to you to take care of us. Penelope and I love you so much. Thank you for being in our lives.

Happy First Father's Day!

i almost cried reading this!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I had to stop myself a few times when I was writing it!