Saturday, September 19, 2009

chapter 4

So I've been lazy and haven't updated in a few days. Sorry!

I've been painting more and more lately. I'm working on an "Emma" painting for my friend Kathryn and her hubby who are expecting little Emma sometime next month! :-)

I'm also working on a Red Wing's painting for Jim. It's kinda grungy and messy looking so far, but I'm just on the background, and I haven't started on the logo part of it yet. I love finger painting. It's nice to feel the sticky paint and seeing how the curves of your fingers can manipulate it on the canvas. It makes me feel like I'm more a part of the creative process.

I also got a book on acrylic painting techniques from the half-price bookstore (which I might be getting a job at! eep!!) so I'm excited to try some of them out! perhaps I'll post some of my attempts on here. :-)

I need to say this, just because it's taking over my mind and making me feel like I need to shout it from the rooftops. You, yes YOU, need to listen to the new Muse album. In fact, you need to listen to EVERY Muse album. They are epic. They are profound. They make me feel mesmerized and in love and happy and overwhelmed all at the same time. And when you listen to it, you need to turn it up as loud as you can and really embrace the music and his voice. Just close your eyes and open your mind up to the incredible universe that Muse occupies. You won't regret it, I promise you that.

Today was another one of our teacher classes. We learned how to build lesson plans today, which I think was really helpful to Jim. :-) I had done some lesson plans in my curriculum class at EMU so I kind of already knew most of it, but it was nice to have a detailed refresher and the facilitator gave some great ideas. I think by the end of this, both Jim and I will be able and ready to be effective teachers. At least I hope so!

By the way, I know some people are reading this and aren't really "following" it or whatever. Please feel free to comment! I'm a total comment whore and
getting comments.
Plus it's nice to hear from my Michiganders who I miss!

1 comment:

  1. I am also a comment whore!!! So you've been talking about MUSE and Jim's been talking about MUSE and your brother has been talking about MUSE, and anytime you really hype something up like this (or like TWILIGHT, lol) I've learned that I can't go wrong to follow it, so as soon as some moola falls into my lap, I'm going to buy that CD. Also, I don't know if you're teacher classes taught you this yet or not, but I just wrote what could possibly be the world's longest run on sentence. I love and miss you!!!
