So for the past few days I've been really sick with the flu. I haven't been this sick since I was in 6th grade. yeesh. The first day was the worst, puking and all. But the past two days have just been exhaustion and super congested. I'm congested to the point that it's hard to breathe normally. Ugh!
Thankfully, I'm on the mend. I plan to go back to work tomorrow but we'll see if I make it!
Anywho, while I was stuck in bed for days, I kept my hands busy making these little beauties! I want so badly to go get more yarn in more fun colors to make more of them. They are ridiculously easy. Aren't they cute?
As of now, that is all I feel like sharing. I'm tired as can be and need some more rest. gnite!
This beautiful park is in walking distance of our apartment. We had gone once, but we didn't go too far into it. This time I went on my own and spent a few hours there. It's beautiful and there are some great trails and paths to take, not to mention the beautiful scenery.
Did anyone see Robin Williams on Conan last night? Hi-larious. Craziest old man ever, but SO damn funny.
Jim and I are watching the Hope for Haiti Now telethon on NBC and I can't imagine what the poor people of Haiti are going through. I posted on Facebook the other day that I wish that Jim and I could adopt from Haiti because not only do we want kids, but there are hundreds of thousands of kids without families now, not forgetting the many children who were in orphanages before this terrible disaster.
Before the quake, the waiting process for adoption from Haiti was 1-2 years when you're going through the proper channels and whatnot. That seems insane to me. How is it that evil terrible people can have as many babies as they want, but a loving couple who wants children but can't afford the extravagant cost of an adoption can't help at all because they don't have an extra $50 grand lying around. It's ridiculous and stupid considering what these kids are going through right now. They need homes, they need loving families, they need to be cared for. There's nothing we can do but donate to help. Go to or call (877) 994-2484 to donate $10 from your next phone bill to help. That $10 may provide some water and food for even one person.
It breaks my heart.
On a lighter note, my buddy J has been showing me this DVD collection from a show on PBS called Art 21. It features modern artists and allows them to explain their art and let me tell you, it is tremendously inspiring. Even the most weird and odd and off-the-wall art can have the most profound meaning. It's astounding, really. Anyways, here's some photos from the first two seasons of artists (there are 5 now). I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Barbara Kruger I really love the pop-art nature of her work. It's super graphic and really interesting.
Do-Ho Suh Um...holy crap. His work is astounding. He recently had his work featured at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and I didn't get a chance to go. I think it still might be there now and I really would love to go see it. I just cannot fathom how he came up with his designs. Especially the stairs, those are made of fabric!
Janine Antoni She's painting...with her HAIR. Now that is dedication.
Kara Walker I love that these look like they could be out of a children's book. So whimsical and graphic.
Louise Bourgeois This is what I put under the category of really creepy stuff. I mean, a gigantic spider = my worst nightmare. But it's so incredible to look at.
Martin Puryear I just like these because they make me tilt my head and go "....huh."
Matthew Barney This guy's stuff I throw into the category of "Holy crap, this makes me so uncomfortable but I can't stop looking at it." It reminds me of that movie, The Cell, and all of it's messed up artistic nightmarish imagery.
Vija Celmins As much as I hate spiders, their webs are gorgeous.
Walton Ford This guy is a modern Salvador Dali. I likes.
I think I wanna see The Runaways. How about you? I think it looks fun.
Today, Jim and I got to spend a day off of work together, which was awesome. Next week our days off are completely opposite, so it was nice to spend time together today. We watched 2012, which by the way, is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. I'd like those 2 1/2 hours of my life back please! (Not the 2 1/2 hours on the couch with hubby though, I'll take that ANY day!)
We've been watching a lot of X-Files lately. I wish I had seen this show when it was on, it's so good!
Sorry this is a short post. I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to get out and maybe do some stuff. We'll see how that pans out....haha
Have you ever heard of It's this fabulous mommy website with intelligent and unique women who just so happen to be mothers and they have discussions and vlogs about topics ranging from circumcision to your pets to your name choices to your birthing style, etc.... It's awesome because if you think about it, moms nowadays have this amazing community available to them of other moms. You can discuss your issues and your ideas with other moms, you're not alone!
I think a lot of women before internet and blogs felt kind of lost when it came to being a mom. There was one way to do things, so you did it that way. Now though, there's hundreds of ways to do things, and you can really look into things and try to find what's best for you.
As someone who's trying to become a mom, I know that sites like will be helpful to me because well, I'm neurotic and like to analyze ev-er-y-thing. I like to have questions answered, I like to know I'm not alone in thinking that having 3 middle names for a child isn't crazy, that I think spanking your child in public is ridiculous and that I'm not the only one who thinks these things. It's a community of other educated and talented women who think for themselves but still have to deal with womanly things.
It's hard to explain I guess. I just think that some of the women on there are exactly the type of mom I'd want to be. I mean, Heather at Dooce is hilarious, Rebecca at Girls Gone Child is one of the most quirky and creative women I've ever sort of known. (I say sort of because I've never met her, but I know all about her because of her book and her blog). I just think that having this community of women out there who I think I could be friends with who share similar ideals about parenting with me is amazing! I feel lucky.
I don't know how our mothers and grandmothers did it, which makes me appreciate them even more to be honest. I mean, the women who are in my life are awesome, don't get me wrong! I'm just sayin', knowing that there are women all over the country who can share their parenting ideas with me is such a cool idea.
By the way, this song just makes me happy.
But yeah, so we're still trying to get preggers. It's stressful honestly. Every month, my period demon is still showing her ugly face and I hate it. I hope it happens soon. I'm so anxious to be a mama. I just feel like there's so much love I can share and I just want to do that, you know? I think it'll happen soon. I just have a good feeling. Keep crossing your fingers for us.
So here in TX it's been kind of cold. Like right now it's in the 30's, and people are freaking out. I can't help but laugh at them because since I'm from MI, it's like, this is nothing. It's not even SNOWING, simmer down already. yeesh.
I'm re-watching the first few episodes of Lost. I watched all the way up through the 4th season, but I stopped after that because it was just too much. Too many questions, too many unanswered, too many more raised. Nothing ever got solved. But, I did love the first season. SO intense and dramatic. I know the next season starts soon, so I was thinking about trying to catch up on the episodes and try to get back into it. We'll see how that pans out.
Can you imagine being stuck on a deserted island? How tremendously terrifying. Being stuck in such a beautiful but deadly environment. It's so deceiving in that way. The ocean, a massive expanse of cool water that you can't drink because it will dehydrate you. The beach, with soft beige sand that can offer you zero protection from the sun and wind. The jungle, stunning plants and thousands of animal species that are likely to do you more harm than good. It's really scary if you think about it.
When people ask you that question, "If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring with you?" As a child, you think, toys, duh, something to keep you having fun, right? As a teenager, it's, my ipod, my makeup, and a bathing suit. As an adult, you become more practical. You begin to realize what your actual needs would be. Water, food, shelter. It's kind of strange to think about really.
Anyways, I'm so excited to have a day off of work tomorrow. It's chilly and windy outside and I just want to stay curled up in my comfy pants with Hubby and Rupert and watch X-Files and knit all day. That sounds like heaven, honestly.
So I've been trying to finish up my online training for Texas Teachers. It's taking forever. The modules they have you do are SO tedious and so repetitive. I've done all this before! UGH! But they log it through their system, so you HAVE to do it and you HAVE to take these quizzes after each module. It's slightly frustrating.
In February, we should be getting a little extra $ from work so I'm hoping that with that money I can sign up and take my content area test finally. I want so badly to be done with this process. I can't wait to apply for a teaching job and have my own classroom. It's going to be a ridiculous amount of work, but it'll be totally worth it.
So, since moving to TX, I haven't had a haircut because I don't have any clue where to go. Finding a good hairstylist is about as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. So I improvised and cut it myself. It turned out fine. It's nothing special, but now my hair doesn't look so dead. :-)
On New Years Eve, we went to our friends' home to celebrate with some drinking and Super Mario Wii. I managed to only get ONE photo from it, this is me and miss Dorian. Isn't she adorable? :-)
Speaking of our wonderful friends, Josh and Hayley are having a baby. They are welcoming their little bundle of awesomeness in late July! How exciting?! I know they're going to be tremendously amazing parents, so I'm SO stoked for them. Hayley's going to be so cute with a little preggo belly! So anyways, they had an extra bed that they needed to get rid of so they can turn that room into the nursery. So they gifted us with a full-size bed! Can I just tell you how frickin' awesome it is not to be sleeping on an air mattress with a hole in it? We are so lucky to have people like that in our lives.
Since we remodeled at work, we have these really cool vintage Alice in Wonderland posters that they were just going to trash! WHAT!!!!???? So, I took them. They are really neat, so I'm looking forward to hanging them up somewhere...haven't decided where yet! Check em out:
Here's a really crappy picture of some paintings I've been working on. The tree paintings are supposed to represent the seasons, since here in TX there are two seasons, Ridiculously Hot & Rainy and Cold & Rainy.
This is another one of the vintage posters I got at work today. I don't know why I like it, but I do. It's nice to have some things on our walls. I'm looking forward to printing out our wedding photos and getting some of them on the wall. I want to create a photo frame collage in our bedroom. Hopefully I can do that soon.