Jim and I are watching the Hope for Haiti Now telethon on NBC and I can't imagine what the poor people of Haiti are going through. I posted on Facebook the other day that I wish that Jim and I could adopt from Haiti because not only do we want kids, but there are hundreds of thousands of kids without families now, not forgetting the many children who were in orphanages before this terrible disaster.
Before the quake, the waiting process for adoption from Haiti was 1-2 years when you're going through the proper channels and whatnot. That seems insane to me. How is it that evil terrible people can have as many babies as they want, but a loving couple who wants children but can't afford the extravagant cost of an adoption can't help at all because they don't have an extra $50 grand lying around. It's ridiculous and stupid considering what these kids are going through right now. They need homes, they need loving families, they need to be cared for. There's nothing we can do but donate to help. Go to www.hopeforhaitinow.org or call (877) 994-2484 to donate $10 from your next phone bill to help. That $10 may provide some water and food for even one person.
It breaks my heart.
On a lighter note, my buddy J has been showing me this DVD collection from a show on PBS called Art 21. It features modern artists and allows them to explain their art and let me tell you, it is tremendously inspiring. Even the most weird and odd and off-the-wall art can have the most profound meaning. It's astounding, really. Anyways, here's some photos from the first two seasons of artists (there are 5 now). I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Barbara Kruger
I really love the pop-art nature of her work. It's super graphic and really interesting.

Do-Ho Suh
Um...holy crap. His work is astounding. He recently had his work featured at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and I didn't get a chance to go. I think it still might be there now and I really would love to go see it. I just cannot fathom how he came up with his designs. Especially the stairs, those are made of fabric!

Janine Antoni
She's painting...with her HAIR. Now that is dedication.

Kara Walker
I love that these look like they could be out of a children's book. So whimsical and graphic.

Louise Bourgeois
This is what I put under the category of really creepy stuff. I mean, a gigantic spider = my worst nightmare. But it's so incredible to look at.

Martin Puryear
I just like these because they make me tilt my head and go "....huh."

Matthew Barney
This guy's stuff I throw into the category of "Holy crap, this makes me so uncomfortable but I can't stop looking at it." It reminds me of that movie, The Cell, and all of it's messed up artistic nightmarish imagery.

Vija Celmins
As much as I hate spiders, their webs are gorgeous.

Walton Ford
This guy is a modern Salvador Dali. I likes.

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