Thursday, January 7, 2010

chapter 23

two posts in one day?! ho-ly crap.

Have you ever heard of It's this fabulous mommy website with intelligent and unique women who just so happen to be mothers and they have discussions and vlogs about topics ranging from circumcision to your pets to your name choices to your birthing style, etc.... It's awesome because if you think about it, moms nowadays have this amazing community available to them of other moms. You can discuss your issues and your ideas with other moms, you're not alone!

I think a lot of women before internet and blogs felt kind of lost when it came to being a mom. There was one way to do things, so you did it that way. Now though, there's hundreds of ways to do things, and you can really look into things and try to find what's best for you.

As someone who's trying to become a mom, I know that sites like will be helpful to me because well, I'm neurotic and like to analyze ev-er-y-thing. I like to have questions answered, I like to know I'm not alone in thinking that having 3 middle names for a child isn't crazy, that I think spanking your child in public is ridiculous and that I'm not the only one who thinks these things. It's a community of other educated and talented women who think for themselves but still have to deal with womanly things.

It's hard to explain I guess. I just think that some of the women on there are exactly the type of mom I'd want to be. I mean, Heather at Dooce is hilarious, Rebecca at Girls Gone Child is one of the most quirky and creative women I've ever sort of known. (I say sort of because I've never met her, but I know all about her because of her book and her blog). I just think that having this community of women out there who I think I could be friends with who share similar ideals about parenting with me is amazing! I feel lucky.

I don't know how our mothers and grandmothers did it, which makes me appreciate them even more to be honest. I mean, the women who are in my life are awesome, don't get me wrong! I'm just sayin', knowing that there are women all over the country who can share their parenting ideas with me is such a cool idea.

By the way, this song just makes me happy.

But yeah, so we're still trying to get preggers. It's stressful honestly. Every month, my period demon is still showing her ugly face and I hate it. I hope it happens soon. I'm so anxious to be a mama. I just feel like there's so much love I can share and I just want to do that, you know? I think it'll happen soon. I just have a good feeling. Keep crossing your fingers for us.

So here in TX it's been kind of cold. Like right now it's in the 30's, and people are freaking out. I can't help but laugh at them because since I'm from MI, it's like, this is nothing. It's not even SNOWING, simmer down already. yeesh.

It's time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny that I read this at 3am while pumping? If not, well, I'm just overly tired!
