On New Years Eve, we went to our friends' home to celebrate with some drinking and Super Mario Wii. I managed to only get ONE photo from it, this is me and miss Dorian. Isn't she adorable? :-)

Speaking of our wonderful friends, Josh and Hayley are having a baby. They are welcoming their little bundle of awesomeness in late July! How exciting?! I know they're going to be tremendously amazing parents, so I'm SO stoked for them. Hayley's going to be so cute with a little preggo belly! So anyways, they had an extra bed that they needed to get rid of so they can turn that room into the nursery. So they gifted us with a full-size bed! Can I just tell you how frickin' awesome it is not to be sleeping on an air mattress with a hole in it? We are so lucky to have people like that in our lives.

Since we remodeled at work, we have these really cool vintage Alice in Wonderland posters that they were just going to trash! WHAT!!!!???? So, I took them. They are really neat, so I'm looking forward to hanging them up somewhere...haven't decided where yet! Check em out:

Here's a really crappy picture of some paintings I've been working on. The tree paintings are supposed to represent the seasons, since here in TX there are two seasons, Ridiculously Hot & Rainy and Cold & Rainy.

This is another one of the vintage posters I got at work today. I don't know why I like it, but I do. It's nice to have some things on our walls. I'm looking forward to printing out our wedding photos and getting some of them on the wall. I want to create a photo frame collage in our bedroom. Hopefully I can do that soon.

I'll write more tomorrow.
Those Alice in Wonderland posters would be SO adorable in a nursery! Keep workin' on that baby, it'll happen, and when it does I am going to make a quilt to match whatever nursery decor you two decide on! I love you and miss you!