Wednesday, March 3, 2010

syonara OBGYN, hello Midwife!

So, I'm 8 weeks along! I battled the nausea-monster this week moreso than I have had to in the past, but I won, so that's good. Those sea-bands have been a tremendous lifesaver/sanity saver, so I'm very grateful to have found out about them.

I plan on doing something way better than this for the weekly shot, but I thought I'd get started so I took a couple quick ones. Here's me at 8 weeks!

Still not showing much, I can't tell if what's showing is baby or my chubby tummy from before. haha. All I know is, I can't suck it in anymore, so that's gotta be baby, right? RIGHT?

So today Hubs and I went to the Nativiti Women's Health and Birthing Center to meet the midwife and take a tour of the complex. I was nervous about it, but it turned out to be the best decision we've made! We loved the complex, which was more like two houses with a hallway attaching them. The birthing rooms are gorgeous and have these massive birthing tubs that I just wanted to jump into now. It looks like a spa. haha.

It seemed as though we'll get the kind of birthing experience that we're looking for. A more personal approach with no pressure to get things like epidurals and "emergency" c-sections and random things put into an IV. It just seems perfect! So we're excited and really happy with our decision to go here instead of our OBGYN.



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