As of yesterday, I am now 10 weeks along in my pregnancy. Our little babe is the size of a kumquat, which apparently is like a tiny, oblong orange. See?

So my sister-in-law is also preggo right now. She's due in August and she's finding out this week sometime what she's having! I can't wait to find out if Hubby and I will have a niece or nephew this summer!
So I've been thinking A LOT about how we get to go to Michigan this summer. I am ecstatic about this trip. I wish we had more time than 11 days to spend up there. I feel like it's not enough time to do what we want to do. It's not enough time to see everyone we want to see enough.
I wish we had time to go to Mackinac Island. It's one of my favorite places in Michigan and Hubby and I had our honeymoon there. It was an unplanned honeymoon and it was 3 of the most relaxed days of my life.
I know that I'll be going to Kensington Metropark, one of our favorite close-to-home getaways. It has a FABULOUS 8 mile hiking trail and if I wasn't going to be 6 months preggo by then, I'd go do it, but being that I will be, I'm thinking the 8 mile hike that used to kick my butt every time isn't the best idea. hah!
Anyways, lately I've been working a lot on my crafts. Not just my painting, although I've been doing that too, but I've been quite inspired by book art lately. I'll explain this better once my projects are done, and of course I'll post some pics on here. They involve wall art and a book page wreath, so stay tuned!
Also, could this bookcase be any cooler? I can imagine painting it some awesome bronze color or something and having it in my bedroom. I want it!

Goodnight all!
Are you flying or driving? I was 30 weeks pregnant for our drive to MI last summer- not exactly the most fun considering I was advised to get up and walk for 15 min. every 2-3 hours. It kind of made travel slow...