Tuesday, January 4, 2011

101 things in 1001 days

On another blog I read, the blogger made a list of 101 things that she wants to do, and she's given herself 1001 days to do them. I thought, what a cool way to get yourself to try new things, to try things you've always wanted to. So, I've decided to make my own list. I'm only on #31 right now, so I've got some thinking to do! Any ideas?

I'll update my blog later with the list so that you guys can follow along with what I've completed and what I still need to do.

Here's the stats:

Today is Tuesday, January 4th, 2011. The last day of this will be October 1, 2013.
There are 33 months.
143 weeks.
1001 days!

These are all goals that have a means to an end, so not anything like, dreamy or intangible, but things with a set ending. For example, one of them is to finish our wedding scrapbook, means to an end, get it?

Wish me luck guys! Maybe you'll try it too?


  1. -Admit to yourself that our next dog will be a Husky ; )

    -Get a professional massage.

    ...this is hard to think of things!

  2. I demand to be one of the book suggesters!
