She was right, I did enjoy it. And now I want to read the next one, Linger, but that will have to wait because I have 10 other books that other friends have recommended that I need to read first!
Ok, so Shiver is about a girl named Grace who gets attacked by a pack of wolves as a kid, and one of the wolves decides to save her and bring her back to her parents. She develops this obsession with this wolf, who has yellow eyes and she sees him in her backyard growing up. This obsession is love, but she doesn't really know it.
This yellow-eyed wolf is Sam, an 18 yr old werewolf, who loves Grace. He too develops an obsession (love) for Grace, hence why he saved her when she was attacked. His werewolf-ism isn't a full moon kind of thing, it's a cold weather/hot weather thing. When it's cold, he's a wolf, when it's warm, he's human.
I won't go into the whole story of it, because if you liked Twilight, you'll like this. "They've gotta fight to be together," "without you I'll die" sort of stuff. Lovey dovey mushy goodness. haha
The author did a great job writing this I think. I don't think it's inappropriate for teenagers like some other book series are (*ahem* House of Night *ahem*) I think she did a good job capturing that "first love" feeling and describes emotion in a way that makes you, as the reader, feel it yourself. When Sam describes how he feels when he sees Grace, you feel it, and you blush for her. It's how every girl hopes to be looked at by the guy of their dreams.
Overall, I really liked this and it was a quick read (two days) which is nice when you've got a little one to look after 24/7.
Next up, The Unabridged Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum!

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